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We present an extension to masked autoencoders (MAE) which improves on the representations learnt by the model by explicitly encouraging the learning of higher scene-level features. We do this by: (i) the introduction of a perceptual similarity term between generated and real images (ii) incorporating several techniques from the adversarial training literature including multi-scale training and adaptive discriminator augmentation. The combination of these results in not only better pixel reconstruction but also representations which appear to capture better higher-level details within images. More consequentially, we show how our method, Perceptual MAE, leads to better performance when used for downstream tasks outperforming previous methods. We achieve 78.1% top-1 accuracy linear probing on ImageNet-1K and up to 88.1% when fine-tuning, with similar results for other downstream tasks, all without use of additional pre-trained models or data.
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We present a human-in-the-loop evaluation framework for fact-checking novel misinformation claims and identifying social media messages that violate relevant policies. Our approach extracts structured representations of check-worthy claims, which are aggregated and ranked for review. Stance classifiers are then used to identify tweets supporting novel misinformation claims, which are further reviewed to determine whether they violate relevant policies. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we develop a baseline system based on modern NLP methods for human-in-the-loop fact-checking in the domain of COVID-19 treatments. Using our baseline system, we show that human fact-checkers can identify 124 tweets per hour that violate Twitter's policies on COVID-19 misinformation. We will make our code, data, and detailed annotation guidelines available to support the evaluation of human-in-the-loop systems that identify novel misinformation directly from raw user-generated content.
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Knowledge representation and reasoning in law are essential to facilitate the automation of legal analysis and decision-making tasks. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on legal science, specifically legal taxonomy, for representing and reasoning with legal documents. Our approach interprets the regulations in legal documents as binary trees, which facilitates legal reasoning systems to make decisions and resolve logical contradictions. The advantages of this approach are twofold. First, legal reasoning can be performed on the basis of the binary tree representation of the regulations. Second, the binary tree representation of the regulations is more understandable than the existing sentence-based representations. We provide an example of how our approach can be used to interpret the regulations in a legal document.
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Realistic synthetic image data rendered from 3D models can be used to augment image sets and train image classification semantic segmentation models. In this work, we explore how high quality physically-based rendering and domain randomization can efficiently create a large synthetic dataset based on production 3D CAD models of a real vehicle. We use this dataset to quantify the effectiveness of synthetic augmentation using U-net and Double-U-net models. We found that, for this domain, synthetic images were an effective technique for augmenting limited sets of real training data. We observed that models trained on purely synthetic images had a very low mean prediction IoU on real validation images. We also observed that adding even very small amounts of real images to a synthetic dataset greatly improved accuracy, and that models trained on datasets augmented with synthetic images were more accurate than those trained on real images alone. Finally, we found that in use cases that benefit from incremental training or model specialization, pretraining a base model on synthetic images provided a sizeable reduction in the training cost of transfer learning, allowing up to 90\% of the model training to be front-loaded.
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Despite the impact of psychiatric disorders on clinical health, early-stage diagnosis remains a challenge. Machine learning studies have shown that classifiers tend to be overly narrow in the diagnosis prediction task. The overlap between conditions leads to high heterogeneity among participants that is not adequately captured by classification models. To address this issue, normative approaches have surged as an alternative method. By using a generative model to learn the distribution of healthy brain data patterns, we can identify the presence of pathologies as deviations or outliers from the distribution learned by the model. In particular, deep generative models showed great results as normative models to identify neurological lesions in the brain. However, unlike most neurological lesions, psychiatric disorders present subtle changes widespread in several brain regions, making these alterations challenging to identify. In this work, we evaluate the performance of transformer-based normative models to detect subtle brain changes expressed in adolescents and young adults. We trained our model on 3D MRI scans of neurotypical individuals (N=1,765). Then, we obtained the likelihood of neurotypical controls and psychiatric patients with early-stage schizophrenia from an independent dataset (N=93) from the Human Connectome Project. Using the predicted likelihood of the scans as a proxy for a normative score, we obtained an AUROC of 0.82 when assessing the difference between controls and individuals with early-stage schizophrenia. Our approach surpassed recent normative methods based on brain age and Gaussian Process, showing the promising use of deep generative models to help in individualised analyses.
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Node classification on graph data is a major problem, and various graph neural networks (GNNs) have been proposed. Variants of GNNs such as H2GCN and CPF outperform graph convolutional networks (GCNs) by improving on the weaknesses of the traditional GNN. However, there are some graph data which these GNN variants fail to perform well than other GNNs in the node classification task. This is because H2GCN has a feature thinning on graph data with high average degree, and CPF gives rise to a problem about label-propagation suitability. Accordingly, we propose a hierarchical model selection framework (HMSF) that selects an appropriate GNN model by analyzing the indicators of each graph data. In the experiment, we show that the model selected by our HMSF achieves high performance on node classification for various types of graph data.
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Privacy noise may negate the benefits of using adaptive optimizers in differentially private model training. Prior works typically address this issue by using auxiliary information (e.g., public data) to boost the effectiveness of adaptive optimization. In this work, we explore techniques to estimate and efficiently adapt to gradient geometry in private adaptive optimization without auxiliary data. Motivated by the observation that adaptive methods can tolerate stale preconditioners, we propose differentially private adaptive training with delayed preconditioners (DP^2), a simple method that constructs delayed but less noisy preconditioners to better realize the benefits of adaptivity. Theoretically, we provide convergence guarantees for our method for both convex and non-convex problems, and analyze trade-offs between delay and privacy noise reduction. Empirically, we explore DP^2 across several real-world datasets, demonstrating that it can improve convergence speed by as much as 4x relative to non-adaptive baselines and match the performance of state-of-the-art optimization methods that require auxiliary data.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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There is an increasing need in our society to achieve faster advances in Science to tackle urgent problems, such as climate changes, environmental hazards, sustainable energy systems, pandemics, among others. In certain domains like chemistry, scientific discovery carries the extra burden of assessing risks of the proposed novel solutions before moving to the experimental stage. Despite several recent advances in Machine Learning and AI to address some of these challenges, there is still a gap in technologies to support end-to-end discovery applications, integrating the myriad of available technologies into a coherent, orchestrated, yet flexible discovery process. Such applications need to handle complex knowledge management at scale, enabling knowledge consumption and production in a timely and efficient way for subject matter experts (SMEs). Furthermore, the discovery of novel functional materials strongly relies on the development of exploration strategies in the chemical space. For instance, generative models have gained attention within the scientific community due to their ability to generate enormous volumes of novel molecules across material domains. These models exhibit extreme creativity that often translates in low viability of the generated candidates. In this work, we propose a workbench framework that aims at enabling the human-AI co-creation to reduce the time until the first discovery and the opportunity costs involved. This framework relies on a knowledge base with domain and process knowledge, and user-interaction components to acquire knowledge and advise the SMEs. Currently,the framework supports four main activities: generative modeling, dataset triage, molecule adjudication, and risk assessment.
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